Meet Heidi from Chunks Baby Junk.
What inspired you to begin a shop featuring your own designs?
When my son was about seven months, I would play the sippy cup pick up game an insane amount of times. With all of the suction toys out there, I decided to find a way to make the cup suction to the high chair tray. It made for a much more peaceful mealtime!
How long have you been practicing your art/craft?
15 Months
What training have you had or are you self-taught?
I am self-taught. I didn't know how to sew but was determined to create these sippy straps.
What is your favorite material to craft with?
With sales increasing, it's harder to juggle everything that needs to be done.
Any advice for other Etsy sellers?
Believe in yourself and your product and true success will follow.

What do you enjoy doing in your off time?
I am a stay at home mom to a now 2 year old and a baby due in July. I enjoy spending as much time with my little guy before life gets more chaotic. He is all boy so we are outside riding every toy with wheels and playing on the swing set.
Describe a typical day in your life...
I chase a two year old little boy and two puggles during the day. We stay busy with different activities from swimming, story time, errands, playing outside, etc. During nap time & bed time is when I put all my energy into my business. I love my chaotic life and wouldn't change it for anything. I'm so happy other moms aren't having to play the pick up game as much anymore!! :)
Where can we find your products online? ChunksBabyJunk