Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Meet Amy from Lovey For Baby

Meet Amy from Lovey For Baby

Satin Comfort Blanket - Lovey for Babies and Small Children  - 13"x13  White & Green ChevronWhat inspired you to begin a shop featuring your own designs? I was making these little blankets for friends and all their babies LOVED them!  They are like giant tags and calmed the kids when they were anxious, tired, irritated, etc.  My friends insisted that I sell them.

How long have you been practicing your art/craft? about 8 years

Satin Comfort Blanket - Lovey for Babies and Small Children  - 13"x13  White & Pink Chevron 

What training have you had or are you self-taught? I have taken sewing classes but am mostly self taught.

What is your favorite material to craft with? Ironically, I like to paint the most.


What has been the hardest aspect of creating a hobby into a business?  My biggest struggle has been dedicating time to growing my business.  I am an introvert and cannot seem to go to gift shops and craft stores to sell.

Satin Comfort Blanket - Lovey for Babies and Small Children  - 13"x13  White & Black Chevron
What do you enjoy doing in your off time? Spending time with my family is my absolute favorite thing to do.

Describe a typical day in your life...
Chaos, hugs, and caffeine.

Where can we find your products online?
  Only on Etsy.  I gave up my website a while ago.

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