Saturday, March 7, 2015

Meet Ali Ameduri from MemoriesWoven

Meet  Ali Ameduri from MemoriesWoven

Marty the Monkey Made-To-Order, Custom-Made, Homemade Monkey! Bright, Colorful, Striped, and Cuddly Stuffed Crocheted Monkey.What inspired you to begin a shop featuring your own designs?

When I was pregnant with my son, I began crocheting him lots of different blankets and toys, my form of nesting, I suppose.  I had always enjoyed making things, but it was through the pending arrival of my son that my passion for creativity was ignited. I knew the things I had made were cute, but when all of my friends kept commenting EVERY time they saw me, I knew I was on to something. So never afraid of a challenge, I decided to give it a go and form my own shop on Etsy. It has only been open for a few months, but I have sold a lot of items to friends, friends of friends, and complete strangers. It is pretty fun!

Geri the Giraffe - Handmade, Custom-made, and Crocheted Striped Stuffed GiraffeHow long have you been practicing your art/craft? Three years.

What training have you had or are you self-taught? Self-taught. Well, that’s not entirely true! My friend Amanda showed me the single crochet stitch and
YouTube showed me the rest…what did we do before YouTube?!

What is your favorite material to craft with? All I need is some yarn and a hook :)

What has been the hardest aspect of creating a hobby into a business? Orders flying in and it only being me to make them!

Any advice for other Etsy sellers?
Just have fun and do what you love - creating!

Baby Elephant Star Comfort/Snuggle/Lovey Blanket - Crocheted, Handmade, Made-to-Order - Completely Customizable BlanketWhat do you enjoy doing in your off time? I love walking with my son and husband around lovely Savannah, Georgia - what could be better?

Describe a typical day in your life… Wake up a lot earlier than I’d like with an eight month old baby. Hang out with my baby and my husband. Crochet, cook, and clean whilst my son is napping. Hit the streets of Savannah with the baby and an audiobook, and crochet the evening away whilst hanging out with my friends with food and wine.

Where can we find your products online? In my Etsy store or via my Facebook page

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