Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lachen from Princess Applesauce Boutique

As many of you know, EtsyBABY team members are extremely talented. We wanted to take a peek at the person behind the creativity. All throughout March, we will be interviewing shop owners, to get a glimpse of the designer behind those adorable baby products!

Meet Lachen from Princess Applesauce Boutique
I'm Six T-Shirt $15
What inspired you to begin a shop featuring your own designs?
Requests from friends and family

How long have you been practicing your art/craft?

Over 25 years

What training have you had or are you self-taught?

Sewing classes in School but mostly self taught

What is your favorite material to craft with?

T-Shirts and Baby Items
I Love My Daddy Onesie $15
What has been the hardest aspect of creating a hobby into a business? 
Start up costs and trying to stay marketable with a product that many others do. Trying to stay competitive and as original as possible.

Any advice for other Etsy sellers?

Work hard and try to keep it fun.

What do you enjoy doing in your off time?

 Sewing and going to the Beach


Personalized Burp Cloths $12
Describe a typical day in your life.
Wake up, have my coffee, check my emails. If I have any orders I start them immediately. If not some days I make more items to sell for my shop, as well as for my nieces. Or I will go out and have lunch with a friend. Come back home and begin cooking dinner. Watch a movie with my spouse and crochet something.

Where can we find your products online?
Princess Applesauce Boutique

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