Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An Interview with Robyn from Clare's Clothesline...

As many of you know, EtsyBABY team members are extremely talented.  We wanted to take a peek at the person behind the creativity.  All through May, we will be interviewing shop owners to get a glimpse of the designer behind those adorable baby products!

Meet Robyn from Clare's Clothesline

Baby Burp Cloths - Yellow and Blue Moons & Stars Set of 3 - READY TO SHIP
What inspired you to begin a shop featuring your own designs?
I was making burp cloths as baby gifts for friends and when one friend asked me where I bought them, I was so flattered! The fact that they thought it was purchased inspired me to sell them!

How long have you been practicing your art/craft?
I have been sewing on and off since home ec class in 8th grade. But I have really only started making the burp cloths since I had my second baby in July 2011.

What training have you had or are you self-taught?
I am self-taught with the exception of home ec class and some pointers from my mom.

What is your favorite material to craft with?  
Flannel fabric and other cuddly baby fabrics.

What has been the hardest aspect of creating a hobby into a business? 
Finding the time to really focus on marketing the shop. I have two kids, work part-time in retail (non-craft related) and creating the product takes up all of my time.

Any advice for other Etsy sellers?
Do your research. read as much as you can from the Etsy forums, the sellers handbook, etc. There is so much information out there if you take the time to research.

What do you enjoy doing in your off time? Time off? Funny! Actually, I love going to the beach with my girls and going to the fabric shop for inspiration.

Describe a typical day in your life... 
Wake up with the baby around 6am; check computer for etsy stats, emails, facebook, etc; get girls ready for the day; one goes to preschool and the other naps so I get to work on my shop; errands or play dates; try to accomplish a little more for the shop while the older one watches a t.v. show and the younger one naps; get dinner ready; couple of nights a week go to work; come home and work on the shop some more! Aim for bed by 9:30, but lately it's been 11 as I get sucked into Facebook or Etsy.

Where can we find your products online?  
Check out my facebook page www.facebook.com/claresclothesline 
and of course my Etsy shop www.claresclothesline.etsy.com

Thank you Robyn, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to grant us an interview!

1 comment:

  1. haha I think our interviews are going to be very similar. good to know I am not the only one with a full schedule with kids and crafting.
