Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kristen Duke Photography

We all know how important photography is to your Etsy site.  It's the reason someone buys or passes up your item.  Great photography gets you featured in treasuries, blogs and provides much needed attention.  Even if you make the most breathtaking item, it won't sell unless the picture is equally spectacular.

Back in January, I was contacted by a photographer looking for unique clothing items for clients.  After checking out Kristen Duke's website, I was more than excited to send her something.. anything...everything!  Drooling at the idea of having professional photography for my onesies, I sent her a stuffed box.

Here is the first round of photos featuring one adorable model, The Groucho, Orange Love Bus, The Etch a Sketch and The Cupcake.  I am positive I got the good end of the swap, these photos are amazing.  

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