Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Organic Bamboo Nursing Pads

Here are just a few reasons to choose POSH Pads....

~Fun and Fashionable
~Gift Sets come with a carrying/washable bag

Posh Pads are extremely absorbent, but not bulky. They mold to your breasts, unlike contoured pads that may or may not fit you. The standard size is 4.5 to 5 inches in diameter, but they welcome custom fits as well.

Posh Pads almost always ship for free.  And best of all - you can recycle and reuse them!  

PS - The Hooters design seems to be a big seller!

 "Posh Pads just might be the prettiest thing you wear today even if your in your jammies for most of it!"

"Your doing the best for your baby, now you can do the best for your breasts."
Posh Pads

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