Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Into Action

With the winter months finally behind us and spring already making its presents known , the warmer weather has inspired me to do a thorough cleaning of my home. Having had the house closed up for the cooler months it feels as if the dirt has settled into all the nooks and crannies, even though I clean every week. This is also the time of year that has my family slaves to our allergies. With allergies and a very low tolerance for the cleaning supplies our local market has on their shelves, I had to find another way to attempt my planned spring cleaning. Then it hit me. "What did my mother and grandmother use when they cleaned?" Then I remember our home smelling like Easter (vinegar) and homemade lemonade (lemons). They used products that were readily available at the market, and still are today, and used them to make their own cleaning products. This is not a new concept by any means, but we are used to a "take it off the shelf and go" mentality that we don't think about the harmful things we do to ourselves every time we use these products that are suppose to be better, faster, easier. Today the madness stops!

Today I commit myself to take the time to make the same homemade solutions that were good enough for my mother and good enough for my grandmother. I will no longer use the brand products to clean my home in the past and in return I will have a healthier home and a healthier me! My pocket book will also thank me later.

Window Cleaner
2 Teaspoons Vinegar
1 Quart Water

Sink Tub Tile
1/2 Cup Baking Soda
2-3 Tablespoons Liquid Soap

Toilet Bowls
1/4 Cup Baking Soda, sprinkled into the bowl
Drizzle the bowl with vinegar and let sit for 1/2 hour, then scrub and flush
Add Borax for the harder stains

Mildew Remover
Dissolve 1/2 Cup Vinegar, 1/2 Cups Borax in Warm Water
Apply with a sponge or spray bottle

1/4 Cup Borax
1/2 Gallon Hot Water

Garbage Disposal
Grind ice to sharpen the blades
Add Orange Juice or Lemonade in the disposal for smells

1 Cup Apple Vinegar in the fridge will remove the smell in 2 days

Happy Spring Cleaning!

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