Thursday, May 8, 2008

EtsyBABY Products Baby Gift Baskets Donation

Big Night Out Benefit Auction at Farm Neck Golf Course on Martha's Vineyard, MA to benefit The Vineyard Montessori School. There will be music, great food, drinks, and wonderful silent and live auction items. Part of the silent auction you will find 2 beautiful gift baskets put together with fabulous EtsyBABY products generously donated by some of our very talented EtsyBABY Team Members. The event will take place on Friday, May 16th ... a night not to be missed!
I would like to thank all the shops who donated an item to include in the gift basket. It means a lot to me, my sister (who is a teacher at the school), the parents and the KIDS!!!

Participating shops
Basket 1: Babyannequilts, Girliemomma, Knitstyle, TutuCuteandMoore, TweedleBee, Winklepots
Basket 2: Bepebaby, Jkalea, JustJillBlankets, Knitstyle, Oliverlane, TheCherubsCloset, Zadyball


  1. Great looking baskets!! Thanks for putting this together and good luck at the auction!!

  2. Those baskets look amazing! I wish I could go to the benefit, so I could bid on them! Nice work everyone! Good luck at the benefit!

  3. Those baskets looked great! I guess I need to check this more. I would have loved to donate something to it.
