This sock monkey appliqe onesie is a must have for any little one! Zenbebe creates these popular sock money onesies with 4 sock monkeys on a white cotton onesie and it is available in sizes from 0-18 months. Zenbebe has a variety of embellished onesie and burp cloths to choose from. Have a look in this shop and post a comment here about something you like.
This giveaway is open to USA residents only and will end on Wednesday, December 10th at midnight EST.
I like the fire truck onsie!
dinnertimechimes at aol.com
I like the :I'm a good listener" onsie.
Aw, I love the Tree Hugger onesie!
albolich at gmail.com
The 3 little stockings onsie and the tree hugger one are too cute!
holt_melissa at hotmail.com
It's hard to decide what I like best...the damask burp cloths, the that's me onsie, or the sock monkey onsie. Everything is so cute!
Michelle C.
I like the peace and carrots onesie. Really cute!
yes i to love sock monkeys and i realy love to try and win this please enter me thanks
You are so talented! :) I love your onsies and I can't wait for our baby to get big enough for one of those CUTE dresses.
I loved the burp cloth blue demask - I like the way the print is just at the edge as a trim as opposed to all over. Very classy.
The sock monkey onesie is my favorite! Precious!
ssbagley at gmail.com
Ok...IM a TEXAS Girl!!! I think Im gonna have to grab up the Dallas Cowboys burp cloths. We are living in Las Vegas right now and I so so miss my Texas roots! How ever I really like the "Peace and Carrots" onesie.
i love the peace and carrots onesie!
erica s
elkesten at yahoo dot com
CUte stuff!! I love:
bebe roo pouch sling - pink and green
very cute. thanks for the contest.
The three little stockings onesie is so cute!
Love the sock monkey onesie!
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